When the words “Nintendo” or “gaming” are mentioned, does the image of teenagers playing video games late into the night come to mind? It turns out the next generation of gamers is, well… the older generation.
In particular, exergames – video games that incorporate physical activity – are popular amongst the older crowd. These include games like virtual tennis and bowling. Beyond pure entertainment value, gaming has been found to have tremendous positive effects on seniors’ health and well-being.
Studies are finding that certain video games improve the physical fitness of the elderly and even assist with their rehabilitation. Gaming can also be more fun and rewarding, and limits impact, in comparison to traditional exercise. Because these games typically have an element of audio and visual feedback, engagement and compliance is also better.
Not only does gaming improve physical health, but it has also been shown to aid cognitive functioning and enhance mental well-being.
A study by the University of California, San Francisco, found that playing video games that require multi-tasking has lasting impact on a variety of cognitive functions in the elderly.
Researchers from the UC San Diego School of Medicine found that exergames have a significant impact on the mood and mental health-related quality of life in seniors with subsyndromal depression (SSD). SSD, simply put, is a milder form of depression, and is much more common than major depression in the elderly.
In many senior living facilities across the country, exergaming is making a regular appearance on activities calendars. In some cases, the Nintendo Wii has become the center of the social scene as well. Just as with traditional sports, there is fun in participating but also spectating.
Aside from allowing seniors to better connect with each other, gaming can help bridge other divides. Grandparents and grandchildren are starting to use gaming as a means of interacting with and relating to one another. Gaming can also provide the link between technology and familiar activities of times past for those that are often left behind when it comes to anything cutting edge.
Introduce gaming to you elderly loved ones - it's a great way to get them to be more active and engaged, and even for you to spend more time with them. If your elderly parent or grandparents live in a facility, discuss incorporating gaming into the activities programming with the Administrator.
The good news is that research has shown that even occasional gaming yields benefits for seniors. Due to its online nature, gaming is also well-suited to people who live alone or have poor mobility.
Next time a birthday is coming up, just remember, Nintendo Wii may just be the perfect gift for grandma or grandpa, or an elderly parent!
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